Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Our family set of stainless steel bottles by Kleen Kanteen arrived last week and they have been fantastic. Not only is our Brita jug giving us great tasting water straight from our tap, but the stainless steel keeps it cool so we can have the bottles of water around us all day long. My son loves his new sippy cup cuz its "coldies" to hold when I first fill it up for him. And now he's drinking more water this way too. Its been a great 'small step' for our family. Not only are we drinking tap water, filtered and tastey, but we're drinking more of it, which is great for our bodies!

Also, I have been LOVING my cast iron frying pan. I made pancakes & eggs in it this weekend successfully. The eggs cooked a bit quicker than I expected so I threw a lid on top to get the yolk to cook a bit better but I'll learn as I go along.

And, while I have remembered a few times to take my cloth shopping bags, I forgot the time I did a big shop and was feeling so guilty accepting all those plastic bags. So, I need to get better at remembering my bags. Its grocery shopping day here again today so I have pulled them all out and put them on my purse in hopes that I will most definitely remember today! I'm also going to try & remember to take back all the plastic bags I've been saving to put in their recycling. One less thing cluttering up my laundry room and then I should hopefully remember to do it more often!

1 comment:

  1. I am having the same challenge remembering bags. I am trying to keep a couple shopping bags next to the driver's seat in the car. Then after I unload, I put them on the back door doorknob to go out again. Seeing them there helps... some.
