Saturday, January 15, 2011

Filtered Water & thoughts on herbs

So we got our Brita filter jug yesterday. Hooray! We were waiting for a green one to come to the store that we ordered but found out the green was discontinued so we got the pink "breast cancer support'' one instead.

I'm so pleased with it. The taste of the water 100x better than straight out of the tap! It does say quite specifically on the box that it does not filter out flouride (like that's a good thing) so I'm extra happy that my town does not flouridate its water supply.

We are still waiting for our Kleen Kanteen water bottles to arrive in the mail but at least in the mean time we have good tasting water, right in our own fridge.

Meanwhile, its -33C today and still dark out at 8:15am.

I had plans of starting some small herbs, like chives in a windowsill greenhouse, but with these frigid outside temps, even our windowsills are too cold still to support plant life.

Hopefully in another month I can get my little garden growing. In the mean time, we are still researching which herbs & plants we would like to grow for ourselves in the future. With all the restrictions suddenly being placed on "healing herbs" in the European Union, we know that we're going to have to act fast to get some seeds and rights to get growing and learning about the healing herbs we can grow in Canada.

And not just medicinal herbs, but we want to grow some of our favourite culinary herbs (many of which have great health benefits) like basil, dill (my personal fave), summer savory, thyme, rosemary, sage & maybe even oregano, depending on what will grow well in whatever region we end up in.

So for the cold winter, while we make other small steps, we will continue to do our research and educate our minds to keep them off the freezing cold temperatures outside.

1 comment:

  1. How fun...and what a good idea to plan an herb garden and healing garden. Such a nice thing to put one's mind upon when it is chilly outside. I wish you well, and look forward to the pictures as things progress. I probably shouldn't mention this, but it is in the 80's in Southern California this week. My friend and I visited the Huntington gardens today in Pasadena. The Camellia's are blooming!
