Sunday, January 2, 2011

2011: A Year of Big Changes by Taking Small Steps

Let me just start this blog by saying, I'm not looking to change the world.

This is about the small steps our family is going to make, little by little, to improve our health, our lifestyles, our consumption and maybe, just a few of the people around us might make some small steps to change as well.

We've spent the first part of this winter researching ways to do things better. How to eat better, foods without chemicals, including vegetables and meats. We've been researching with herbs & spices have health benefits and have decided we want to grow some for ourselves. We want a big chemical-free garden, chemical-free fruit and to no longer live in the 'pesticide belt' in the south Okanagan where the chemicals were surrounding us and poisoning the air we were breathing.

We want clean water, cleaner air, not just outside but inside our home and want to know more about the toxins that our  "stuff" could be giving off. We want to make healthy choices for our son, and his future brother, for our own health, improving our bodies, improving the way we do things like cleaning, cooking, and consuming.

We're watching documentaries, reading blogs & websites, ordering books and asking friends in the know.

We have so many ideas that it can practically feel overwhelming to know where and how to start, but nonetheless, we are starting!

We're happy to have you join us on this journey and we welcome suggestions, ideas, links and thoughts along these lines. Big changes are coming, but this Wolfe family will be taking Small Steps to get there.


  1. Great idea! Can't wait to see what you get up to!

  2. That's great! Looking forward to your findings. I try to buy organic as I am able, but it is soooo expensive and I'm a terrible gardener. But I know it is soooo much more healthy! Best wishes to you on this journey!
